바빠서 회신 못한데 대한 변명
작성일 14-01-29 10:24
페이지 정보
사과를 하면서 변명도 해야하죠?
1. I've been busy and haven't had time to reply to you.
(바빠서 회신할 여유가 없었어)
2. I've been behind in my work and couldn't reply to you immediately.
(일이 밀려서 바로 회신 할수 없었어)
3. I didn't reply as nothing has changed since my last chat to you.
(지난번 체팅 후 큰 변화가 없어서 답변하지 않았어)
4. I have had lots of backlogs so that I couldn't reply to you.
(일이 너무 많이 밀려서 회신할 수 없었어)